Heya! πŸ‘‹ I'm Theo πŸ˜„, a software engineer from the [[πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ Switzerland| land of chocolate & cheese]] πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­. I like to pursue creative endeavours such as developing my own [[VR Development| VR Game]], building crazy [automations for my home](🏠%20Home%20Automation.md) and various other stuff. Of course it's not all related to tech. I also enjoy [[🌏 Locations & Travel| travelling]], photography, working out among other things. Welcome to my digital garden. πŸͺ΄ If you haven't heard of the concept before you can find a good primer [here](https://github.com/MaggieAppleton/digital-gardeners). It's basically something in between a personal note collection ([second brain](πŸ’‘%20Knowledge%20Management.md#Second%20Brain)), a wiki and a blog. # Contact Feel free to say hi ☺️ > Twitter: [https://twitter.com/eletiy](https://twitter.com/eletiy) > GitHub: [https://github.com/aerobless](https://github.com/aerobless) # Contributing If you find a mistake anywhere, I would appreciate your help. GitBook provides a quick way to open the GitHub page for any entry so you can make changes and submit a PR. πŸ€—